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Monday 9 January 2017

5 Things to do to ensure your success in 2017

Last week, I made a post on "How to Avoid Failure in 2017" and I promised to bring to you practical steps to follow in this week's post. But before we start with the practical steps, I'll like to make a quick review of last week's article.

We talked about what it means to have a successful year. We said "A successful year is one that ends with fulfilment", we also broke down the word fulfillment and stated the differences between "Fulfillment" and "Contentment", that's why you should read "How to Avoid Failures in 2017" if you've not done so yet. We also established that you must have goals and targets for the year, you must have plans or else you'll just take whatever comes to you whether it's defeat or victory, success or failure. You know, life never gives you what you want, you must go get it yourself. You can't stay idle and be hoping for success, you have to work for it, you have to take actions in the direction of success else you'll come out beaten blue black by life when you're supposed to come out successfully and victorious. 

We've agreed that for you to want success, you must have clearly defined your goals and targets, write them down and make plans on how to achieve them. At this junction if you've not written out your goals yet, I implore you to stop reading here and write your goals immediately before coming back to read. You can learn how to determine your goals in the article "How to prepare for 2017". Also make sure you decide in your mind to take actions and do things that'll help you in the fulfillment of your goals. 

Now below are the practical steps to take in pursuing success this year. For students, entrepreneurs, businessmen, employees etc.

  • Start Early

You've written down your targets, you've written down your action points, then what are you waiting for? Today is 9th of January, if you've not started yet, you're already wasting time. 

Time is too precious to waste, start early. Don't stay waiting for your friend who has a similar or the same goal as yours to start with you, if he's not ready, you start yours. 

For example, if you're a student who has exams by March this year and you're planning to come out in flying colours, start studying now. If your study mate is not ready yet, leave him and start on your own. 

For businessmen, start whatever you do early. Don't say it's still a new year and I have 11 months and some days left.

  • Avoid distractions 

Don't let anything distract you, do not allow a wedding ceremony happening on Saturday stop you from going to enquire about the cost of materials for production which you've planned to do on that day. Don't let a friend's birthday party stop you from studying carefully the production manual. Don't allow a football match disrupt your study timetable, ignore it if the time does not fall within your free period.

  • Avoid unnecessary Spending

Let's assume you're starting a business that requires 300,000 naira as capital. First you have to allow for miscellaneous or unseen expenses in your budget. Let's say you have 400,000 naira  now. Don't start buying unnecessary things because you think you have 100,000 naira extra, keep the extra until you settle your business. Still save it after you settled it, you can only use it to do other things when you start making profit from your business.

  • Always do a check on yourself and your written goals

Examine yourself from time to time. Make sure you're not deviating from the plan and when you notice that you're deviating, check what the cause is and put yourself back on track. Also follow your budget, eliminate unnecessary things. 

  • Improve your skills and knowledge.

Always seek to add more to your skills. If you're working in an office, seek for ways you can improve and work more efficiently. If you run a production outfit, check for better methods that would help you produce more in both quality and quantity. 

I hope these tips will help you in your journey this 2017. Make sure you drop your comments and ask your questions if you have any. Subscribe to our blog to get more information that'll improve the quality of your life. 

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